Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi. I'm new at this?

Oh dear. I'm about to venture into the deep unknown of this whole "blogging" world. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater of blogging, I happen to LOVE reading my friends' blogs and even comment on a few here and there. But the other day Miss Michelle Harvey finally convinced me to make one of my own.

Its very easy to read others' blogs and feel secure knowing I can read all about them as I, an anonymous reader, can safely hide behind my computer reading the thoughts and feelings of others. Let's be real, you blogging peeps have serious guts throwing yourselves out there and trust me, that bravery to do so has brought me so much joy and encouragement through your writing! You never know if your words will come at an opportune time for someone. As humans, we learn so much through the experiences of others and how we sort out and reflect on our experiences can impact others more than we may think or ever know. Writing has always been my release for numerous joys and disappointments, whether I'm writing for myself or as a way to find God's constant hand in my life. Over the years I've grown dependent on the exhale of emotion I experience as I write and the two kinds of writings, either for myself or God, have slowly merged into one as my walk with Christ has deepened.

So since I happen to be a lover of life which happens to entail numerous mistakes, seasons of growth, and mostly funny encounters with friends and strangers, I figured, maybe its time I throw myself out into the sea of blogging and join the rest of the lovers of life who likewise yearn for truth and beauty through the person of Jesus Christ.

Giggle worthy thought of the evening: Hairless cats are disgusting.


  1. So there is this girl named Katie klezek and she started a blog but only has one post... she is supa busy but is very wise and has a lot to offer the blogging world. She just went on a mission trip to San Francisco and Im sure has tons of amazing stories to tell!! :D
